This is the decline in religion where religious attendance, practices and beliefs have become less important and more minor in society. Crocket estimates that 40% of the adult population attended religious institutions on a Sunday in 1851 according to census records. However this figure has declined leading some sociologists to claim that the 19th century was the golden age of religiosity. There is now:
· A decline in proportion of population going to church
· Fewer baptisms and church weddings
· An increase in the average age of church goers
· Greater Religious diversity(NAMS, Sects)
· A decline in the numbers holding traditional Christian beliefs.
(Church Attendance) Wilson- Bryan Wilson defines secularisation as “the process where religious activity, beliefs and practices lose their social significance.” Church going in England and Wales has fallen from 40% in the mid-19th century to around 10-15% by the 1960’s. Thus with these statistics in hand, Wilson concludes that Britain has become a secular society.
(Religious Institutions Today)- The state has taken over many of the functions religion use to perform for society. This is because of factors such as rationalisation and disenchantment. For example, the church use to perform educational functions, but now most of these services are provided by the state which has separated itself from religion. Religious institutions are now used more for rites of passage such as weddings, baptisms and christenings which people pay for as we have become spiritual shoppers.
(Religious Beliefs) Gil et al- Found that more people claim to hold Christian beliefs than actually participate in going to church. They agree with the postmodernist Davie’s theory of believing without belonging. They found that religious belief and attendance is in decline. When they asked people “Would you describe yourself as being part of any religion or denomination?” In 1950 23% replied no however by 1996 this had increased to 43%.
(Rationalisation and Disenchantment) Weber- Weber’s theory explains that rational ways of thinking began to replace religious ways of thinking. He argues that western society had undergone the process of rationalisation in recent centuries. Rationalisation means when the actions in society become based on calculation and efficiency rather than from morals or religion.
The Protestant Reformation is believed to have brought out a new world view of disenchantment. Thus, getting rid of the magical and religious ways of thinking in the past leading to a rational mode of thought that allowed science to thrive for technological advancement. This has given humans more power to control nature which undermines religious world view.
(Structural Differentiation) Parsons- Talcott Parson’s found that there are now many separate institutions that have been developed to carry out specialised functions that were once previously carried out by a single institution. This happened to religion, it is now a smaller and more specialised institution being used for such services like rites of passage. The functions have been transferred to the state and other institutions.
(Religious Diversity) Berger- Berger found another cause of secularisation is religious diversity where one religious organisation no longer claims a monopoly of the truth like the Catholic Church did in the Middle Ages.
This all changed with the Protestant reformation when Protestant Churches came to place and sects broke away from the Catholic Church. This also allowed the growth of a variety of new religious organisations.
(Cultural Defence/Transition) Bruce- Argues that religion can also provide a focal point for the defence of local, ethnic or national group identity in a struggle against external factors. When Polish culture was threatened by the Soviet Union, they went to their Catholic Churches which acted as a rallying point for protecting their culture.
Also argues that religion can provide support and a sense of community for ethnic groups such as migrants to a different country and culture.
(Kendal Project) Heelas and Woodhead- They explained that New Age Movements had come to place because people have become more individualised. The holistic milieus are focused on self-spirituality and personal experience with their beliefs rather than the traditional community participation in religious institutions. This resorted to the decline of obedience to traditional religious demand. Now Evangelical Churches are more successful than traditional churches. Heelas and Woodhead distinguished between 2 groups.
· The Congregational Domain- Favouring traditional ways.
· The Holistic Milieu- Seeking self spirituality and personal experience.
(Secularisation in America) Bruce- Also argues that America is becoming more secular too. There is a decline in attendance even though statistics suggest otherwise. Opinion polls suggest attendance has been stable around 40% since 1940. However Hadaway’s research team visited churches in Ashtabula County to find these statistics did not match the churches. If 40% of all Americans attended Church then the churches would be full but they were not. These statistics may apply to the bible belt in America but not it as a nation.
(Church Attendance) Wilson- Dropped, define secularisation, 40% mid 19th century Sunday to 10-15% 1960’s.
(Religious Beliefs) Gil et al- More people claim to hold religious beliefs than participate. Would you as Church or Denomination. No 1950, 23%, by 1996 43%.
(Rationalisation and Disenchantment) Bruce- Rational ways replace religious ways of thinking. Disenchantment, get rid of magical and move to a rational mode of thought.
(Structural Differentiation) Parsons- Many new specialised institutions developed to carry out functions which previously were performed by a dominant single institution. This happened to religion which is now a smaller and more specialised institution.
(Religious Diversity) Berger- No single religious organisation claims monopoly of truth like Catholic Church in middle ages. Now Sects have come, NRM’s and NAM’s.
(Cultural Defence/Transition) Bruce- Focal point for defence of ethnic, national and group identity. E.g Poland. When religion provides support and community for ethnic groups and migrants to a different country and culture. E.g African Caribbean Pentacostals.
Heelas and Woodhead- Distinguishes between 2 groups that intertwined with secularisation process. Congregational domain, holistic milieu.
(Secularisation in America) Bruce- America is more secular. Opinion poll 40% attendances. However Hadaway’s research team disprove them because churches should otherwise be full. Attendance gap must have widened but is being masked to protect norms.
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